In 2006 in a show called UFOlogy, I exhibited a series of paintings of ufo sightings sourced from diverse images pulled from the web. Considering the reclassification of evidence coming from US government sources in recent years, I decided it was timely to revisit the subject in a series of ‘New’ UFO paintings, or what I’m calling NUFO’s.
What I like about working from
UFO sightings is that the images work on a number of levels. From a narrative perspective
they are as much about belief as they are about pictorial evidence, the images are almost
always obscure, blurry and only a few pixels in length. So from the start viewers are split in
two camps, believers and non-believers. From a pictorial position I like that as an artist
primarily interested in narratives, I almost exclusively end up using various abstract marks
and techniques to recreate the ‘real’ look of a UFO sighting. The paintings cover various
styles including impressionism, cubism, expressionism and minimalism. So they become a
potted trip through 20th century art movements. I suppose they can be called post-internet
art, although I’m not sure anybody knows what that term means.
Artists: Hayley Megan French, Adam Norton, Amelia Skelton, Brendan Vivian Smith, Alicia van Rhijn. Curated by Anthony Bautovich
Photos: Docqment